Single phase intelligent gsm based prepaid energy meter. Introduction to design and develop a microcontroller based prepaid energy meter with serial data transmission so that a consumer can plan accordingly to reduce the consumption as per his budget. Pdf development of an internet based prepaid energy meter. Prepaid energy meter using microcontroller and smart card. Prepaid energy meter using smart cards is an efficient scheme of electricity billing. Electricity users can buy specific amount of energy to use it only when they needed.
Proposed architecture in this section, the overall design of the system is discussed in terms of two approaches. Bengal has decided to introduce the smart card operated prepaid energy meters in. Energy meter, eeprom, keypad, lcd display and gsm modules are connected to microcontroller. It also monitors water and gas consumption along with electrical consumption. For cheap electricity, prepaid electricity, no deposit electricity, or prepaid electric, call smart prepaid electric today. Introduction the prepaid energy with smart card can improve the cash flow management in energy utilities. A relay is able to control an output circuit of higher power than the input. The meter section is designed using microcontroller pic 16f877a. The proposed system uses an ipbased controller in addition to a power meter, providing efficient. Complete circuit diagram of proposed prepaid energy. Smart energy meter based, prepaid electricity distribution. An enhancment of prepaid energy meter using smart card and.
Prepaymentprepaid energy meter introduction and working. Internet based prepaid energy meter often referred to as. Smart energy meter is a meter which helps the consumers. The prepaid energy meter described in this paper is a single phase230v40a energy meter which consist of a metering devise designed according to the. It is beneficial to consumers and power plant in terms of revenue and power sector reforms. Pdf over the past few years, smart cards have achieved a growing. Prepayment metering system had improved operational efficiencies, reduced financial risks and provides better customer service. Modeling of arduinobased prepaid energy meter using gsm technology. The microcontroller stores the number of units allocated and measures the energy consumed. The energy meter reading is compared with the smart card information by the microcontroller. Pdf a smart card based prepaid electricity system researchgate. Smart card, which is the switch, gives information about the limitation of units.
Prepaid energy meter using smart cards a4academics. The prepaid energy meter described in this paper is a single. Proposed work the system consists of an energy meter, arm7 microcontroller board and gsm modules. The prepaid energy meter described in this paper is a single phase 230v40a energy meter which consist of a metering devise designed according to the iec1036 199609 standard and a prepaid. Smart prepaid energy meter free download as word doc. See figure3 for the authentication and the online purchasing protocol of the smart card based prepaid electricity system. Cheap electricity, prepaid electricity, no deposit. The primary controller collects information from energy meter as well as from the smart card. The following documents are supplied for the prepaid system installation, operation and maintenance. Efficient scheme of electricity billing functionality beneficial to consumers, power plant, revenue, power sector reforms general block diagram power source.
A smart card based prepaid electricity system the purpose of this project is to design and develop an intelligent energy metering system that can efficiently control the amount of electricity consumed by the user. In this project, an intelligent gsm based prepaid energy meter is developed. All the consumer has to do is to display the card in the front panel of the meter for a time of 3 seconds. The user has to purchase a scratch card and enter its serial number into the system using keypad and lcd display. Smart prepaid energy meter prepaid mobile phone text messaging. Smart card based single phase prepaid energy meter.
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